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Purchase intent, also known as buyer intent, is a key metric that businesses monitor in their customers. It is a useful tool that offers essential information for businesses targeting a specific audience. Measuring a customer's purchase intent can be determined by asking the right questions.

Businesses seek effective strategies to enhance brand visibility and engage with potential customers in a favorable manner. The outcome is to attract potential customers and persuade them to buy products and services both currently and in the future. After making a purchase, maintaining customer loyalty becomes important. Companies aim to maintain long-term customer loyalty by implementing various strategies to encourage continued purchases of goods and services.

One method for a business to assess and address its potential earnings is by evaluating purchase intention. Purchase intent can be determined through data analysis, surveys, and monitoring customer behavior. Analyzing your target audience and understanding their preferences can assist in accurately assessing purchase intent and utilizing that data to boost sales revenue.

This article explores the concept of purchase intent, the different factors affecting it, the various stages involved, and strategies for increasing purchase intent.

What is purchase intent?

Purchase intent, also known as buyer intent, refers to the willingness and inclination of customers to purchase a product or service from your company within a specified timeframe, typically within the next 6 or 12 months.

This metric is utilized by marketing and sales professionals to assess the likelihood of potential customers converting and to target the most promising group. By using this approach, they can avoid investing time in cultivating leads who are less likely to make a purchase. Instead, the audience is narrowed down to personalize marketing activities and increase conversions.

What factors influence purchase intent?

Purchase intent is influenced by various factors that impact a consumer's decision-making process. Here are some important factors that can influence buyer intent:

Business objectives and challenges

Understanding the specific pain points and objectives of potential customers is essential for effectively addressing their needs. Different industries and business models may present unique challenges to address. The SaaS solutions you provide may also be in line with your audience's strategic objectives.

Finding the appropriate stimuli is essential for generating interest and influencing your audience's purchasing pattern.

Let's say a medium-sized tech company may see a decrease in sales close rate as a result of dull and ineffective demos prepared for sales calls. They may consider using a SaaS solution like Fable, which will help them create interactive demos based on specific customer requirements.


The user experience (UX) of your product or solution has a substantial effect on how potential buyers perceive its usability and value. An interface that is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and visually attractive,  can create a positive impression and instill confidence in potential buyers.

For example, let's say a tech startup looking to improve collaboration among remote teams through project management software may have multiple options to consider. A solution with a user-friendly interface, drag-and-drop functionality, visually interactive dashboards, business intelligence, personalized task management, and more can be implemented for optimal results.

Scalability and integration

Customers are looking for SaaS solutions that can scale with their business and adjust to changing needs. Scalability and seamless integration with existing systems are important factors for businesses when assessing potential solutions.

It is important to demonstrate how your solution provides comprehensive features and seamlessly integrates with current systems.

Personalization and customization

In the digital age, customers have an expectation for personalized experiences that meet their individual needs. SaaS providers that offer personalized product recommendations, customized pricing plans, or configurable features based on individual preferences can have a significant impact on purchasing decisions.

An example of a marketing automation platform is one that enables users to create personalized email campaigns based on customer behavior and demographics, appealing to businesses looking for a comprehensive and personalized marketing approach. In these campaigns, you have the option to include a personalized product demo tailored to the recipient.

Value proposition and ROI

Clearly stating the value proposition and demonstrating the ROI of the SaaS product can influence potential customers' purchasing decisions. Highlighting how the software resolves specific issues and provides real advantages is essential.

The value proposition plays a crucial role in influencing the audience's final decision, so it is important to handle it with caution.

In the initial stages, it is important to carefully consider your value proposition. However, it is important to highlight the return on investment that readers can anticipate. It is important to strike a balance between value proposition and marketing during this stage. In the later and advanced stages, there is no limit to how much you can express in both aspects.

Analyzing data to determine purchase intent

Data analytics is important for understanding and identifying buyers' intent. Businesses can gain valuable insights into potential customer behavior by analyzing user engagement metrics, conversion patterns, and buying journey progression.

Website analytics tools, heatmaps, and customer feedback surveys offer valuable insights to evaluate content that aligns with various levels of intent. With this knowledge, businesses can adjust their content strategy to effectively meet their audience's needs at each stage.

Types of Purchase Intent Based on Funnel Stages

Customers visiting your online resource may have varying goals, leading to different levels of purchase intent. In general, intentions are closely intertwined with a purchase funnel. A lead may visit your website to check information or with the intention to convert.

The following are the types of buying intent and their corresponding stages in the marketing funnel:

Informational intent = Awareness

This action occurs when individuals seek information on a particular subject. When looking for tips on creating a product demo for a sales meeting, someone may search for helpful advice online. Their focus is on educating themselves or finding a solution to their problem which is creating a good product demo, rather than on your product or service.

This buying intent type aligns with the awareness stage of the marketing funnel. Sales reps should focus on educating leads and guiding them towards the next steps instead of offering discounts or promotions at this stage.

Also read : The Ultimate Product Demo Guide for Sales Teams to Close More Deals

Content strategies

  • Informative blog posts: Addressing common pain points experienced by your target audience and providing actionable solutions should be created.

  • Whitepapers & guides: Create informative whitepapers and guides that delve into industry trends and best practices, highlighting your expertise and thought leadership.

  • Educational videos: Use video content to illustrate intricate concepts and showcase how your SaaS products can efficiently resolve particular issues.

  • Interactive demo: Interactive demos that give an overview of the problem statement and how that is addressed by your product create awareness about the need for a solution like your product and also highlight the value proposition without appearing very salesy.

As potential buyers move towards the navigational intent stage, they will have acquired preliminary information. Next, they will be looking for more detailed information on how to obtain the solution they require. Different brands and products will offer similar solutions. This stage is important for you. Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP) and competitive advantages. Differentiate yourself in a competitive market.

Content strategies

  • Case studies: Provide case studies and customer experiences demonstrating how your product or solution has effectively resolved comparable challenges. Highlighting your skills and experience.

  • Product comparisons: Objective comparisons can be made between individual offerings and those of competitors. List your advantages clearly.

  • Customer testimonials: Include testimonials from customers who have had positive experiences. Highlighting their favorable experiences and results.

  • Interactive demo: During the navigational intent stage, a demo can be developed to showcase specific features or functions of your product. These demos can be placed on your website's dedicated features page. This information can assist users with high intent in gaining a better understanding of the product and its functionality.

Transactional intent = Service

At the transactional intent stage, readers typically transition into customers. They are the closest to the required conversion and deserve a lot of attention from the sales and marketing team.

They have moved through the buying process and are now prepared to make a decision on purchasing. After completing their research and comparing options, they are now in the process of finding a vendor to purchase from.

This is a crucial point in the buyer's decision-making process. The conversion process should be seamless and user-friendly, ensuring that potential buyers feel confident in their purchase.

Following a transaction, these buyers have the potential to become loyal customers. Customers are likely to return to your product with a clear intent to navigate or make a transaction.

Content strategies

  • Clear & concise product information: Make sure that all necessary product information is readily available. Information about features, pricing, and subscription plans is available. Keep it short and sweet.

  • User-friendly web interface: Improve your website's user experience for enhanced navigation. Design a simple checkout experience. Reduce any possible issues that may result in dropping off.

  • Transparent pricing & terms: Ensure clarity on pricing structures, billing cycles, and contractual terms. Avoid any hidden fees or surprises during (or after) the purchase.

  • Interactive demo: In the transactional intent stage, a personalized demo can be created to meet the specific needs of customers buying your software. A personalized demo can be created to cater to that specific customer. This will assist him in maximizing the product's potential.

Different ways to increase purchase intent

Next, let's address strategies for improving the buying intent of existing customers if it falls below expectations. Reactivation is an essential process that should be incorporated into your marketing strategies. Here are some suggestions to increase consumer interest in making a purchase.

Improve the targeting of your keywords

The majority of individuals with navigational intent typically originate from search engines. Therefore, it is important to have quality search engine optimization for your company to meet customer expectations. It is important to review current keywords for relevance and consider replacing them with more suitable options. It is recommended to use specific long-tail keywords as they are more precise than general words.

Offer unique value

Building trust and creating a great product is best achieved through providing unique value. A unique value is a distinct offering that sets your business apart from competitors, which can range from complimentary training to exclusive discounts or superior customer service. To attract new customers who may not have purchased from your competitors, it is important to offer something unique in your product or service.

Highlight the product's features and benefits

Insufficient product information may hinder potential customer conversions. Hence, it is important to utilize an interactive product demo to address leads' concerns regarding the product's functionality, performance, and other aspects.

A well-executed product demo can significantly impact buyer intent. The demo can be created using a story-telling format or by experimenting with various creative ideas.

To create a product demo for your own software, you should try out Fable. Fable helps you craft personalized interactive demos which can showcase the true value of your product.

Offer discounts at the right moment

Discounts can sometimes increase the likelihood of a purchase, although it is important not to rely on them too heavily. One possible option is offering a discount on the initial purchase. Utilizing special offers effectively can increase conversions and boost sales.

Create a sense of urgency

Limited-time offers, or exclusive promotions can drive buyer intent and expedite the buying process by creating a sense of urgency. These promotions prompt prospective customers to act before the opportunity expires.

Build trust through social proof

Social proof is a significant factor in the buying journey.

Individuals seek out reviews and feedback from current users to gain a better understanding of a product, which can increase their confidence when making a purchase.

Social proof plays a significant role for B2B companies, especially since much of the sales process takes place online. Demonstrating successful usage of your products by other businesses can help establish trust in your brand and improve conversion rates.

Offer a free trial

Providing a free trial is an effective method to motivate customers to make a decision. Offering trial periods can be beneficial for your sales strategy, as it allows B2B buyers to test your product or service without making a commitment. It also offers valuable information on their usage patterns that can assist in enhancing the overall experience. Free trials can increase conversion rates by creating a sense of urgency.

Realize the potential of customer purchase intent

In the current digital era, understanding and utilizing buyers' intent is crucial for achieving success. Different content and engagement strategies are needed for each stage of the buying intent. Effective navigation is essential for guiding potential customers through their buying journey and improving your profitability.

Understanding buyer intent and creating customer-focused content is important. It enables you to understand and navigate customer preferences, expectations, and buying behaviors. All three phases contribute to building lasting relationships with satisfied customers.

The marketing industry is constantly changing, leading to shifts in buyer's intent as well. Businesses that are agile, adaptive, and customer-focused can maintain a competitive edge and lead in the constantly changing business environment.

One way to stay ahead of your competition is by using Fable.

It can assist in creating interactive product demos that effectively highlight all the features and benefits of your product. This will help customers better comprehend your product, which will lead to a higher possibility of them purchasing from you.

Create amazing interactive demos! Take Fable for a test drive today!

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